Soorya- () 01/12/2012 05:40:18 AM
Thanks to this wonderful site which helped me to get this visa. Had an appointment in Mumbai consulate on 11/01/2012, 9.30 AM.
ME : Good Morning Mam 🙂
VO : Very Good morning to you Sir
VO : Can I have your Passport
ME : (Gave the passport and other documents tied in a ribben by assistant staff earlier)
VO : Which Place are you going
ME : Told the client details.
VO : Which City did you say ?
ME : City and State were repeated again
VO : Why are you going ?
ME : To participate in a training organized for 2 weeks and also to provide the demo of a project that we have
completed in the last 4 months
VO : are you going for Training or Demo of the project ?
ME :To attend both. The training is schedule for 10 days to start with and after that I would be making a
presentation of the Demo of the project which would take 3-4 days. They have put together both these things
to minimize the travel
VO : OK. I see….
ME : (waiting for her to ask the next question)
VO : Whats your client Name ? what do they do
ME : Explained about the organization and the product portfolios
VO : whats your company Name ?
ME : My Organization details.
VO : (She started looking at the documents and details about me on the computer screen). After a minute or so.
Have you travelled to US before ?
VO : You had a VISA earlier. Why did not you travel ?
ME : I had some personal commitments at home. Hence could not travel as the client had requested me to be there
for 18 months.
VO : Whats your Annual Salary
ME : I told my salary.. she took a note of it.
VO : How many years you are with this company ?
ME : XX years XX months Mam
VO : Is this your first company. Or you have worked previously?
ME : prior to this I was working with XYZ for XX yrs. Before that I was working as a faculty
VO : Sorry what was that ? Faculy in college of Engineering (with a smile)
ME : Yes (with a Smile)
VO : Are you Married ?
ME : Yes
VO : How long ? was that arranged or love marriage ?
ME : married for XX yrs. Arranged marrige ( she looked at me with a smile 🙂 )
VO : Do you have kids ?
ME : Yes. I have a son who will be XX years this month
VO : Smiles
ME : (waiting for her to shoot the next question. At this stage. I knew I have cracked it !!!!)
VO : DO you own any properties here ?
ME :Yes. I have constructed a house in my hometown
VO : WHats your client Name ?
ME : told the name again
VO : OK Sir. I approve your VISA. it will be couried to you in 1 week.
ME : Thank you Mam. Have a good day !
VO : Thank you. You too have a good day!!!
Just be confident. even though they are not looking at you Do not loose the eye contact while answering the
questions. do not change your posture. you should be carefully listening to what they say and be ready with the
Do not think of anything else ( no fast forwad thoughts or thinking anything about what the VO is doing on computer)
Just be focussed on the questions they ask. They prefer not to repeat their questions. If you have understood the
questions at the first instance, it gives them an hint that you are used to their accent
Dress formally. wear the best dress that suits you. GOOD LUCK !