USA visa questions for parents


Client Profile: Presently retired. Was working with Government of Maharashtra in the Revenue Department for 38 years.
Appointment Date :  Mar 2015
Medium : Marathi

SN : Good Morning !
VO : Good Morning ! Passport please ?
VO : Why are you going to USA ?
SN : As per AVS Training (To meet daughter)
VO : What does she do ?
SN : She is at home present as she gave birth last year end.

VO : Is someone accompanying you ?
SN : as per AVS Training
VO : What does she do ?
SN : As per AVS training
Your Visa has been approved M’am ! You can collect in 2-3 working days.
SN : Thank you.


AVS Comments: It is difficult for parents of children in USA to successfully get USA vias approval.

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