

i would like to share my exp on B1 visa interview..

my interview time schedule @ 11.30 am, i reached around 10:30 am .. nobody in the Q . so i went inside after two tight security check. then asusual documents check . etc . then helpers directed me to VO counter. In that Q only 3 people B4 me. all 3 got visa within 10 min .
Next is my turn. I prayed all set of gods

VO : Hello Sir
ME : Hello sir, good morning
Vo : goodmorning
me : H r u ?
Vo : Iam fine . H R U ?
ME : Fine too
Vo : How long u working in xxx company ?
Me : x Years x months
Vo : GR8
Vo : who is ur client ?
Me : xxxxxxxxx
Vo : What is your project all about ?
me : xxxxxxxxx (Dont elaborate bla bla )
Vo : How many people are coming with you for attending this meeting ?
Me : one
Vo : Who ?
Me : Its me
Vo : R u sure ?
Me : Yes
Vo : Laugh hahahhahahahahah

Then i got my visa for next 10 years , my interview takes hardly 2 min . so Be bold . Relax while standing in Q .I came out @ 11 am.. with Big smile.. so be prepare your self .b4 attending the interview .Thanks to this site to express my exp ……al the v best


********************* AVS Notes*************************

Congratulations Akshar, Yes being composed and confident are important while giving your interview. For USA Visa Interview, ensure that you are aware of the standard questions and are well prepared to answer them with confidence.


______________Courtesy Immhelp____________________

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